College Credit Plus Resource Center


Hocking College's CCP Program

Ohio’s College Credit Plus program can help you earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from community colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students.

Benefits of taking CCP courses for students and their families include:

  • Early exposure to college coursework, rigor and expectations
  • Opportunity to experiment with a field of interest while taking a course on the Hocking College campus
  • Credit transfer opportunities.

And the best part? Taking a college course from a public college or university is free. That means no cost for tuition, books or fees. 

Group of a students studying in the university library

Hocking College CCP Quick Links

Apply Here

Level One Course List

Contact the Hocking College CCP Office

Alicia Pae
Director of Educational Pathways
Phone: 740-753-7053

For Students

You've got questions and we've got answers! Explore our resources below to help you make the right decision about your future.

  1. Attend the high school information night with your parent or guardian about CCP by February 15.
  2. Notify your high school guidance office of participation no later than April 1. Students attending a private high school and homeschool students must apply to the Ohio Department of Education to receive funding to underwrite their costs.
  3. Complete the Hocking College CCP Application before the application deadline. Be sure to have your guidance office include your most current transcript.
  4. Take the Hocking College placement exam either through the Accuplacer format or submit ACT/SAT scores. Achieve college-ready scores or meet conditional-score requirements.

Complete the Hocking College CCP Application and submit it to Hocking College before the application deadline. Be sure to have your school's guidance office include your most current transcript.

  • The summer deadline is April 15.
  • The Autumn deadline is May 15.
  • The spring deadline is November 15.

Hocking College uses the Next Generation Accuplacer and tests sentence skills, reading and math (Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics). Click here to review for the Accuplacer.

Students can take the Accuplacer one time a year at no charge. 

If you have an active IEP or 504 plan, please see the Hocking College CCP advisor before taking the Accuplacer.

If you're taking the ACT, please submit your scores to Hocking College using Hocking College’s school code 3352.

If you're taking the SAT, please submit your scores to Hocking College using Hocking College's school code 1822.

Take a few moments to view these webinars from the Ohio Department of Higher Education for more information on important topics for the school year.

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Portrait of a smiling female teacher in the class room

For Teachers and Administrators

You've got questions and we've got answers! Explore our resources below to learn how you can teach and offer CCP courses at your high school or career center.

High school instructors of college credit courses must meet the requirements for faculty teaching in institutions of higher education, as stipulated for accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission and the Ohio Board of Higher Education.

Faculty teaching general education courses or other non-occupational courses must hold a master's degree or higher in the discipline or subfield.

If a faculty member holds a master's degree or higher in a discipline or subfield other than that in which he or she is teaching, the faculty member should have completed a minimum of 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline or subfield in which they teach.

Each institute of higher education evaluates transcripts based on its own interpretation.

Instructors who teach a College Credit Plus course in a high school will receive periodic professional development. All credentialed high school faculty will be considered non-paid, adjunct instructors at Hocking College. This distinction may be used as part of a professional résumé and may give instructors the opportunity to teach courses for Hocking College on-campus and online in addition to their courses at the high schools.

Teachers who are interested in applying to teach College Credit Plus courses should contact Katie Walters, at or 740-753-7053.

  • Early exposure to college coursework, rigor, and expectations.
  • A cost-effective way to earn college credit early.
  • Opportunity to experiment with a field of interest while taking a course on the Hocking College campus.
  • Credit transfer opportunities.

Hocking College has partnered with our local high schools to design several unique Career Pathways for students who want to continue their degree at Hocking College for one of the college’s designated majors. Pathways include both general education and technical coursework.

To learn more about these pathways, please contact Katie Walters at

For Parents

You've got questions and we've got answers! Explore our resources below to learn how CCP can benefit your child.

The CCP program allows students to meet high school graduation requirements while at the same time earning college credit.

The program is a cost-effective way to earn college credit early, get a jump start on a degree, and because classes are free for most students, you'll decrease the overall cost of a college degree.

Research shows that high school graduates who enter college with existing college credits are more likely to succeed in college.

As you talk with your student about taking CCP classes, make sure you discuss the level of dedication and commitment it takes to succeed in college, including the difference between high school and college expectations, pace, rigor and required hours of study outside of the classroom.

CCP grades are permanent grades on both their high school and college transcripts, and failing grades can affect your student's future scholarship or financial aid opportunities.

CCP courses are not edited in any way for underage participants. Controversial and adult topics can be expected. Students and parents should expect coursework and discussion that engages and challenges students on topics that likely would not be broached in traditional secondary schools.

Per the U.S. Department of Education's Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), all students enrolled in a college or university, regardless of age, have the right to keep their information private. The college is prohibited from releasing information to anyone other than the student without written authorization that must be kept on file with the Hocking College Registrar's Office.

That means the college can only talk to the student about their personal and academic information.

Hocking College can share student information with your student's high school. If the student is under 18, parents have the right to access any information held by the high school, including all information that is transferred from Hocking College to the high school.

All employees of the college, including instructors, are bound by FERPA. Parents cannot reach out to college faculty to discuss academic concerns. Students must talk to their instructors themselves. If parents believe their student is experiencing any type of academic distress, they should encourage them to reach out to their instructor or their CCP advisor.

When your student accepts the rights and responsibilities of being a college student, your parental role will change too. As the parent of an underage CCP student, you may have the heartfelt desire to continue advocating for your student. We respectfully share that our work is with the student and the high school guidance counselor. You can support your child by helping them navigate the college system, but cannot take on their responsibilities as you may have in middle or high school.


Yes. However, you must fill out a form from the Ohio Department of Education.

The non-public schools form is here.

The home school form is here.

Grades received through CCP are reflected on high school and college transcripts and will affect GPAs on both. Low grades could negatively impact future college admission and financial aid opportunities.

Students who fail courses may be required by their school district to reimburse the cost of tuition and books.

Although specific courses are guaranteed to transfer to other Ohio public institutions, they may not be accepted at private and out-of-state institutions.

Financial aid eligibility as a degree-seeking student is based on degree completion within a specific time period. Course credits earned through the CCP program will count in determining eligibility.

parents and graduate
Jeremy Watson
Berne Union High School, Sugar Grove, Ohio

"CCP has helped me tremendously improve my grades and take college courses to save time when I actually go to college. Every class I took, I passed with flying colors, and every teacher did a great job with communicating and making sure I had the resources I needed to pass."

Grace Baker
New Lexington High School, New Lexington, Ohio
"The online course I took has allowed me to become confident in my ability to navigate technology while taking college courses, which will be extremely beneficial if many courses are still all online when I go to college. I am also grateful for the ability to take classes online so that I can gain as much college preparation as possible, even if it does not fit in my schedule during my school day."
Madison King
Nelsonville-York High School, Nelsonville, Ohio
"I take CCP courses fully online because it is the best option for me. I can complete course work at my own pace to help balance high school classes and sports. It is also helpful that courses are only eight weeks because I can complete more courses in a shorter time. At first, I worried about how I would communicate with the instructors but I found out they always respond efficiently. I definitely recommend the College Credit Plus program!"

You can find additional information online through the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Higher Education.

Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, CCP replaces Ohio's Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) and all alternative dual enrollment programs previously governed by Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3365. Gov. John Kaisch signed HB 487 into law on June 16, 2014.

technology students group in computer lab classroom

Finish Your Degree With Us

You've graduated from high school. Now what? Become a Hawk! Finish the degree you started in our CCP program. To get started, apply online at

To schedule a visit to campus, please contact our Admissions team at


Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a current CCP student looking to share your transcript with another participating CCP college or university, please contact Katie Walters at

If you are a past CCP student or a senior in CCP looking for an official transcript please follow these steps:

Official CCP transcripts can be requested online through the National Student Clearinghouse.

This website allows students to order online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

There is a $5 fee for each transcript and an additional $2.50 fee per destination. A valid credit card and email address are required to order online.

Please allow for three (3) business days to process all transcript requests. Once shipped, transcript orders can be tracked here. Transcript requests will not be processed during campus closure. 

For additional information, please visit

Three or more semester hours of college credit equal one Carnegie unit or high school credit.

Two semester hours of college credit will earn two-thirds of a Carnegie unit or high school credit.

One semester hour of college credit will earn one-third of a Carnegie unit or high school credit.

Credit earned through College Credit Plus is free to students and parents.

Any student in grades 7-12 in the state of Ohio can apply. Students must have a 3.0 GPA or higher or qualifying test scores from Accuplacer, SAT, and/or ACT. 

CCP courses are paid for by the high school and college. Costs will only accrue if you go over your allotted hours or have failed a course.

Public school students in the state of Ohio are allotted 30 credit hours per academic year. This includes their high school credits. Private school and home-school students need to apply for funding through the state and are then awarded credit hours for the academic year.

Yes. Qualified CPP students are able to take courses online as well as on the Hocking College campus.

Absolutely! You can take CCP classes on your high school campus while also taking classes at other colleges or universities or online.

Yes. Each student will meet with an advisor if taking online or on-campus courses at Hocking College. There will also be advising sessions for students who take courses on their high school campus. 

Yes. Many of our general education courses will satisfy high school requirements. We will work with the student and their guidance counselor to make sure all requirements are met.

Classes failed or withdrawn with an “F” (or an equivalent failing grade) will receive an “F” on the high school and college transcripts and will be computed into the high school and college GPA.

If you do not receive a passing grade, your school district may, in some instances, seek reimbursement from you for the amount of state funds paid to the college on your behalf for that college course.

The school district may withhold grades and credits received for high school courses taken until reimbursement has been made.

ORC 3365.09

Secondary (high school/district) schools are responsible for providing the coursework materials ("textbooks"). The postsecondary institution is responsible for providing all supplemental supplies required by the course syllabus ("fees"). Under no circumstances are public or nonpublic/chartered school CCP students required to pay for college course instructional tools or supplies. However, homeschool and nonpublic/non-chartered students are responsible for providing their own coursework materials ("textbooks") but not the course-required supplies.

ORC 3365.07, 3365.09

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Put some clear and concise content in here. Keep your reader in mind. What are they trying to do? What are they hoping to learn? Why are they reading this? Help them out and use the tone and voice of your organization.

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